Short weeks are the longest!

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How did your back to school week go? I have come to realize that short weeks truly are the longest! In every respect. We try to jam in 5 days of work into 4 and then we throw in a few curve balls like a new routine and poof - we have ourselves a recipe for cranky parents and children. It’s completely normal in case you forgot. Last year was just the same, and the year before. Change is a bit of a shake up for the brain. Do you feel bogged down by the new pace of fall, or are you craving the transition to a new season?

I find myself somewhere in between. I’ve left my paddle board at the ready for one last paddle after work if the sunshine holds - and I have pulled out my cozy sweaters and blankets and I look forward to bundling up and enjoying the pattern of cooler evenings and amazing sunrises. October-November mornings never disappoint.

I do need a very large cup of coffee to face today, but I am sitting here in the peace and quiet of my office enjoying this transition to fall and wondering where the week went. I’ve sent one kid off into the great big wide world of University away from home, and kid # 2 is starting grade 11. So far, so good.

Wishing everyone a smooth ride into fall as we all find our new rhythm for the season. Happy Friday from your Mortgage Broker in Sidney by the Sea. I’m back in the office and here to answer your questions. After I finish this coffee of course. ☕️

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Miss Audrey off to UBCO


First day of Grade 11 - a visit to Mom’s office AFTER his first hour and a half of school.

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